Friday, February 18, 2005

Man, what was I talkin' about?!

I ain't been around this blog in a long time, and just now I remembered about it. Man, last time I blogged I said I was gonna write a brochure about analyzing poop! I...what the fuck, man? I remember I was in a pretty bad way after some food poisoning, but I barely even remember goin' through the eating disorder stuff. I was probably exaggeratin', anyhow. I was probably eatin' steaks and delicious fries that whole time, and just acting like a wimp for attention. Shame on Ray.

So, needless to say, if you were waiting around with five bucks in your hand waiting to buy my upcoming brochure Understanding Poop, you can put that five bucks away, 'cause it ain't happenin.

Well, what's new? Had a pretty big wingding lately, and ended up wreckin' the Escalade. That's one thing that kind of blows about drivin' - if you wreck your ride, you just gotta leave it and bail, and the humans tow it away and you can't get it back, or even your CDs. I was miffed 'cause I left my new Sugar Loadzz demo in the car, and they don't have enough money to make another one, so I just have to sign them and hope for the best. I remember thinking that I liked the drums.

Also, in other news, it is raining pretty hard, so I'm inside checkin' out the new Escalade ESV Platinum Edition. It's got some pretty nice features the base model doesn't have, like heated exterior door handles for those icy days, and plus it's 1/2" lower than the standard edition, so it presents a smaller aerodynamic profile, and probably gets better gas mileage as a result.